Considering the nature of the activities it is inevitable that accidents will occur, therefore it is important that all instructors/coaches/teachers are familiar with
�s methods for investigating and reporting as follows: -
Statutory obligations
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 makes it the responsibility of
to report certain specified incidents to the Health and Safety Executive
1.1 Fatal accidents
The death of any person as a result of an accident arising out of or in connection with work.
1.2 Major injury accidents
These are defined as follows: -
� Fracture of skull spine or pelvis
� Fracture of any bone in the arm, wrist, leg or ankle (but excluding a bone in the hand or foot).
� Amputation of a hand or foot
� Amputation of a finger, thumb or toe, or any part of these where the bone/joint is completely severed.
� The loss of sight of an eye, or a chemical or hot metal burn to an eye.
� Either injury (including burns) requiring immediate medical attention or loss of consciousness resulting in either case from an electric shock from any electrical circuit or equipment, whether or not due to direct contact. (This therefore includes cases where a person is injured by arcing or a flash over without actually touching live equipment).
� Loss of consciousness resulting from lack of oxygen.
� Any acute illness requiring medical treatment, plus any loss of consciousness resulting (in either case) from the absorption of any substance by inhalation, ingestion or through the skin.
� Acute illness requiring medical treatment where there is reason to believe that this resulted from exposure to a pathogen or infected material.
� Any other injury which results in the injured person being admitted immediately into hospital for more than 24 hours. (N.B in relation to the 1980 regulations, the addition of the word immediately and that there is no exemption where the person is kept in for observation only).
If there is an accident connected with work and your employee, or self-employed person working on the premises sustains a major injury, or a member of the public suffers an injury and is taken to hospital from the site of the accident, you must notify the enforcing authority without delay by telephoning the ICC
1.3 Minor injury accidents
These are defined as follows: -
� Small cuts and abrasions
� Grazes
� Bruising
� Burns
� Epilepsy
� Asthma
� Cramp
� Shock
A minor emergency is an incident which, if handled properly does not result in a life-threatening situation. It would normally be dealt with by the nearest instructor/coach/teacher who will follow the standard first aid procedures.
All minor accidents and near misses should be reported at the first convenient opportunity to Dave Firth at the
office on 01257 474467 and the appropriate forms should be completed.
A major emergency is one were an incident occurs resulting in a serious injury or life threatening situation. In most case it would involve members of the emergency services.
Any death or major injury (see list in accident reporting) should be reported to Dave Firth at
immediately on mobile telephone number 07710 77 35 23 who will contact the Health and Safety Executive as soon as is possible. If out of normal working hours it should be reported at the start of the next working day. If at weekend it should be reported first thing Monday morning.